Evropská investiční banka pro obnovu a rozvoj (EBRD) pořádá webinář na téma Program zelených měst pro Českou republiku, který se bude konat ve čtvrtek 27. května v 10:00 SEČ.
Webinář bude v angličtině a bude probíhat online na platformě Webex.
We would like to invite you to EBRD webinar on Green Cities Programme held on Thursday 27th of May at 10.00 am CET. Please find attached the invitation to the webinar, which contains agenda and a link to register. The webinar will be hosted on EBRD Webex platform with a consecutive translation during the webinar.
The purpose of the webinar is to introduce the EBRD Green Cities Programme. With over EUR 1.5 billion in funding, the programme builds on the EBRD’s proven track record in helping cities invest in sustainable municipal infrastructure. More than 40 cities have committed to becoming green.
Cities in the EBRD regions face numerous challenges, including insufficient infrastructure investment, demographic changes, poor air quality and historical legacies of high energy and carbon intensity. Many cities in these regions are also particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, with increased heat stress and extreme weather events. Solid waste management is another pressing issue, with recycling almost negligible compared to the EU average of 39 per cent and far short of the EU target of 50 per cent of municipal solid waste recycling by 2020. To address these challenges, the EBRD developed EBRD Green Cities, with the aim of building a better and more sustainable future for cities and their residents.